Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Philosophy Afrterlife Reformation Essay

The ancient philosophers of Greek and Rome generally believed the world to be eternal, meaning, that the world had no beginning, and thus, it can never have an end, too. The people who had pondered about the origins of life here on earth, and about life after this present existence ends, have been segregated into many sects and categories. For the Stoics [1] our universe undergoes the shifting courses of expansion and contraction in perpetuity – from fire the universe expands into cooler and denser forms, contracts again in order to become fire, and so on in an eternal fashion. To the followers of Aristotle, according the author Leopold Sulmner in his book What Students of Philosophy Should Know,   â€Å"this world of ours has always existed and always will, and God did not create this world.†(90) Yet, even the followers of Aristotle, were divided as far as their opinions went. Jostein Gaarder provides as much in Sophie’s World by indicating that to a select number of these Aristotelians the world â€Å"†¦is like a big clockwork machine in which after a very long interval all the parts come back to the same positions, and the same sequence of events then happens again, over and over eternally; human beings and their actions are part of the clockwork, so everything in human history has already happened an infinite number of times already, and will happen again an infinite number of times in the future.† (67) Still in Gaarder’s Sophies World, we read that the early Christians and their faith in the sacred Scriptures believed that their, â€Å"God created the world a relatively short time ago, exercises continual providence in human history, and will eventually end it, perhaps in the not too distant future, and conduct a grand accounting. Life after death will go on for ever, but life on earth takes place within a fixed and relatively short timeframe, with a beginning, middle, and an end.† (72) There is a Christian saint in the person of St. Augustine who, â€Å"†¦scorned the Stoic concept of the happy life as inadequate, and proclaimed that in the next life true happiness will be found.† (45) But, according to St. Augustine, â€Å"they did not say much about what it would be like.† (46) St. Augustine went on further to write that, â€Å"†¦it is as if they were content to leave it to God – we can be sure that whatever is required to make human beings happy will be provided.†(57) The Stoics, in the opinion of the said Christian saint, â€Å"were not much interested in theorizing about happiness in this life, because not everyone can achieve it, it is not important to achieve, it is not of much significance in comparison with the happiness of the next life.† (93)   In Robert Longman’s, Medieval Aristotelians, the author writes that the medieval Aristotelians, â€Å"theorized about the happiness of the next life, adapting Aristotle’s ideas for the purpose: the happiness of heaven consists of intuitive knowledge of God himself.† (385) Lastly, in St. Augustine’s own City of God, St. Augustine postulates that â€Å"the elect are those who are predestined to happiness in the next life.† (990)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The philosopher, Rene Descartes immortalized the philosophical tenet of, â€Å"I think, therefore, I am.† In Dan Kaufman’s Divine Simplicity and the Eternal Truths in Descartes, we come to have a greater understanding about the view of Descartes regarding the afterlife of man. For Descartes, there is a God who is the composer and man who is the composed and composite. [2] Descartes philosophizes that, â€Å"†¦ man’s life, death, and life after death is dependent on the will, intellect and understanding of God.† (14) Hence, if this is so, for Rene Descartes, if God is the cause of man, then man depends on God also, even in the matter of man’s death. Rene Descartes had studied the nature of man and he had stressed the reality behind man’s divisibility. We can say that if, for Descartes, man is: mind and body, thought and extension, and a corporeal being who is believed to be someone who knows that he exists if he is inclined to the process of thinking; then, it can be derived that man’s death comes when man ceases to think. The ‘I’ cannot think, the ‘I’ does not think, the ‘I’[ as already mentioned ] ceases to think, indeed, the ‘I’ can no longer think—most importantly- and the ‘I’ can no longer declare, â€Å" Therefore, I am†. And so, from this cessation of thought, the status quo of man’s existence becomes of this, â€Å"†¦he does not think, therefore, he is not.† (99) In fact, philosophically, the ‘he’ is no longer, an ‘I’. Life after death, we can gain from reading the works of Descartes, would be, according to this philosopher, a state of being that is entirely dependent on God’s will. Man no longer has a say in it, for he is no longer capable of thinking. John Hobbes’s Leviathan bears a duality of natured characteristics which stamp it with the mark of genius. Leopold Sulmner in his book What Students of Philosophy Should Know discusses the Leviathan, at length, by describing it in this way, â€Å"In the first place, it is a work of great imaginative power, which shows how the whole fabric of human life and society is built up out of simple elements. And, in the second place, it is distinguished by a remarkable logical consecutiveness, so that there are very few places in which any lack of coherence can be detected in the thought.† (1001) Sulmner writes how it, â€Å"is true that the social order, as Hobbes presents it, produces an impression of artificiality; but this is hardly an objection, for it was his deliberate aim to show the artifice by which it had been constructed and the danger which lay in any interference with the mechanism.† (1024) The author goes on further to include that, â€Å"It is true, also, that the state of nature and the social contract are fictions passed off as facts; but, even to this objection, an answer might be made from within the bounds of his [Hobbes’s] theory. It is in his premises, not in his reasoning, that the error lies. If human nature were as selfish and anarchical as he represents it, then morality and the political order could arise and flourish only by its restraint, and the alternative would be, as he describes it, between complete insecurity and absolute power. But, if his view of man be mistaken, then the whole fabric of his thought crumbles. When we recognize that the individual is neither real nor intelligible apart from his social origin and traditions, and that the social factor influences his thought and motives, the opposition between self and others becomes less fundamental, the abrupt alternatives of Hobbes’s thoughts lose their validity and it is possible to regard morality and the state as expressing the ideal and sphere of human activity, and not as simply the chains by which man’s unruly passions are kept in check.† (1037) For Hobbes, according to Sulmner, â€Å"for as long as the state of nature endures, life is insecure and wretched. Man cannot improve this state, but he can get out of it; therefore, the fundamental law of nature is to seek peace and follow it; and, from this, emerges the second law, that, for the sake of peace, a man should be willing to lay down his right to all things, when other men are, also, willing to do so. From these two are derived all the laws of nature of the moralists. The laws of nature are immutable and eternal.† (1048). And so, for Hobbes, life after death, would be the experience of absolute escape from his present state of life here on earth. Jostein Gaarder provides a chapter in Sophie’s World on how, â€Å"John Locke opened a new way for English philosophy.† (261) Locke had patterned his philosophies from those of Francis Bacon, Hobbes, and the other forefathers of modern philosophy. Sophie’s World presents how, â€Å"Bacon had done more: he had found dangers and defects in the natural working of men’s minds, and had devised means to correct them. But Locke went a step further, and undertook a systematic investigation of the human understanding with a view to determining something else—namely, the truth and certainty of knowledge, and the grounds of belief, on all matters about which men are in the habit of making assertions.† (262) In his manner, Locke introduced a new method of philosophical enquiry, which is, â€Å"now known as a theory of knowledge, or epistemology; and, in this respect, he was the precursor of Kant and anticipated what Kant called the critical method.† (279)    Sophie’s World also provides us with this knowledge of how, â€Å"we have Locke’s own account of the origin of the problem in his mind. He struck out a new way because he found the old paths blocked. Five or six friends were conversing in his room, probably in London and in the winter of 1670–1, â€Å"on a subject very remote from this†; the subject, as we learn from another member of the party, was the â€Å"principles of morality and revealed religion†; but difficulties arose on every side, and no progress was made. Then, he goes on to say, it came into my thoughts that we took a wrong course, and that before we set ourselves upon inquires of that nature, it was necessary to examine our own abilities, and see what objects our understandings were, or were not, fitted to deal with.† (262) Again, Leopold Sulmner in his book What Students of Philosophy Should Know writes about Locke, â€Å"At the request of his friends, Locke agreed to set down his thoughts on this question against their next meeting; and he expected that a single sheet of paper would suffice for the purpose. So little did he realize the magnitude of the issues which he raised and which were to occupy his leisure for nearly twenty years.† (2765)    Sulmner informs by highlighting, â€Å"Locke’s interest centers in the traditional problems—the nature of self, the world and God, and the grounds of our knowledge of them. We reach these questions only in the fourth and last book of the Essay. But to them the enquiry of the first three books is preliminary, though it has, and Locke saw that it had, an importance of its own. His introductory sentences make this plain: Since it is the understanding that sets man above the rest of sensible beings, and gives him all the advantage and dominion which he has over them; it is certainly a subject, even for its nobleness, worth our labor to inquire into. The understanding, like the eye, while it makes us see and perceive all other things, takes no notice of itself; and it requires art and pains to set it at a distance and make it its own object. But whatever be the difficulties that lie in the way of this inquiry; whatever it be that keeps us so much in the dark to ourselves; sure I am that all the light we can let in upon our minds, all the acquaintance we can make with our own understandings, will not only be very pleasant, but bring us great advantage, in directing our thoughts in the search of other things. â€Å"(2766)   What Students of Philosophy Should Know concludes for us that, â€Å"Locke will not ‘meddle with the physical consideration of the mind’; he has no theory about its essence or its relation to the body; at the same time, he has no doubt that, if due pains be taken, the understanding can be studied like anything else: we can observe its objects and the ways in which it operates upon them. All the objects of the understanding are described as ideas, and ideas are spoken of as being in the mind. Locke’s first problem, therefore, is to trace the origin and history of ideas, and the ways in which the understanding operates upon them, in order that he may be able to see what knowledge is and how far it reaches.† (2800) In Sulmner’s book, we can read that, â€Å"This wide use of the term â€Å"idea† is inherited from Descartes. The term in modern psychology which corresponds with it most nearly is â€Å"presentation.† But presentation is, strictly, only one variety of Locke’s idea, which includes, also, representation and image, percept, and concept or notion. His usage of the term thus differs so widely from the old Platonic meaning that the danger of confusion between them is not great. It suited the author’s purpose, also, from being a familiar word in ordinary discourse as well as in the language of philosophers. Herein, however, lay a danger from which he did not escape. In common usage â€Å"idea† carries with it a suggestion of contrast with reality; and the opposition which the â€Å"new way of ideas† excited was due to the doubt which it seemed to cast on the claim of knowledge to be ‘a knowledge of real things’.(2817) Perhaps, for Locke, life after death, is something that can be located in man’s mind. This is what we can gather from studies of philosophers, throughout history, about life after death: 1.) in the next life true happiness will be found, 2.) the happiness of heaven consists of intuitive knowledge of God himself, 3.) a state of being that is entirely dependent on God’s will, 4.) life after death, would be the experience of absolute escape from his present state of life here on earth, and finally, 5.)something that can be located in man’s mind. And as for the matter, of which would be true amongst these theories? Well, we shall see which, but in the next life. WORKS CITED De Torre, Joseph M. The Humanism of Modern Philosophy,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3d ed. Madrid: Solaris Press, 1999. Gaarder, Jostein. Sophie’s World. London: Phoenix Books, 1996;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reprint, Phoenix Books,1998. Kaufmann, Dan. Divine Simplicity and the Eternal Truths   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Descartes.   British Journal for the History of Philosophy: UK, Vol. ii   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Issue 4, 2003. Longman, Robert.   Medieval Aristotelians.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Translated by Thomas Charles. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Random House Publishing, 1992. Sulmner, Leopold.What Students of Philosophy Should Know. Singapore: Allyn and Bacon, 1996. [1] De Torre, Joseph M. The Humanism of Modern Philosophy,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3d ed. Madrid: Solaris Press, 1999. [2] Man in being composed[composite], has external parts and a soul. He is divisible, according to his parts. And he is created by God, the composer.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Health and Body Essay

Well I believe that all six health elements are around our world daily. Because we all have physical health to keep the well being of the healthy balance for our mind and body. The way we treat our body reflects the wellness that our body can obtain. That up to you do you want to live a healthy life or not. Its many ways to keep the physical fitness so that our body can be healthy. Exercises and many sport activities will help get our body in physical shape. But it can also backfire on you just because you are physical fit. Don’t mean you’re physical healthy. Because you can be physical fit but you can have a bad heart or liver. This could happen because you have abuse your body for so many years with eating UN healthy foods, smoking, drinking, and drugs abuse. When you do decide to do right with your body. Your body rejects because it too late. So it important to start earlier sets a commitment and motivation to set many goals. To stay physically healthy and fit. Before it too late. The emotional health is the most important part of our life. With the emotions we carried around has a big impact on our life our emotions help us on what type of lifestyle we want to obtain like the type of friends, jobs, family, and relationships, depending on what type of emotions we carry around. Like for example if you go to work with a real hateful, bitter, lazy, loud complaining and cursing everyone out that coming in your presents . You will lose your job. And that attitude you also loss your family friends and everything you can think of. So that why I said we need all six elements to make it in this world today. Because without the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and environmental health. Without these Elements you will be emotionally mental and unhealthy to our society.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Urban planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Urban planning - Essay Example It proceeds in two ways: the multiplication of the points of concentration and the increase in size of the concentrations† (qtd. in Champion 144). This phenomenon is evident in some of the major cities in the world such as London and Paris, which have a high degree of urban concentration. On the other hand, suburbanisation is a term that has come to be viewed in regard to the decentralisation of urban places or metropolitans since it is a reflection of the â€Å"shift in patterns of development from the mainly lateral expansion of the city’s built-up core to much deeper penetration of house building into an extensive commuting hinterland or ring† (Champion 149). Simply put, suburbanisation is a description of the fringe areas of major cities resulting to areas called suburbs, which have various meanings depending on their definition in various places around the world. Nonetheless, the convention definition of suburbs implies that they are residential areas located in the fringe areas of a large city within a commuting distant to the city with some having political autonomy while the population density of these areas vary from one place to another. Suburbanization is the process where cities grow peripherally; starting by movement of people, trade and facilities from densely populated urban cores to, to less populated human settlements. Among the reasons were expansion in transport, crowded urban areas, industrial growth and immigration and Levittown played a crucial role in development of suburbs from the 1950’s and beyond (Marshall). The automobile age, which was after the Second World War, witnessed the return of many servicemen. They were all entitled to education and housing benefits. New bachelors’ degrees were issued and it created a professional class. The veterans that opted for vocational education filled the service sector. The two classes started having children that became baby

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Accounting - Tax Research Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting - Tax Research Case - Essay Example One of the longest continuing disagreements between the IRS and the taxpayers is the issue about capitalization of an expense incurred in a business. The most crucial queries in income tax law are with regard to an expenditure incurred in the course of a business. The question arises as to whether the expenditure so incurred can be subtracted at present to determine the payer’s tax liability, or should it be capitalized. Capitalization in several cases ensues in an asset which can be amortized or depreciated with the passage of time. But sometimes capitalization may be only an offset to a sale when the asset is sold of or even prevent any kind of subtraction at any time. Over the years, the practice in assortment gave rise to huge uncertainty and court case which has created an extensive body of perplexing and opposing right. Controversies of this kind arose after the decision rendered by the Supreme Court in INDOPCO, Inc. v. Commr, 503 U.S. 79 (1992) (Mayer Brown Rowe & Maw, 2003). In yet another case of Commissioner v. Lincoln Savings & Loan Assn. [71-1 ustc 9476], it was held simply that the formation of a separate and discrete asset may be an adequate condition for categorization as a capital expenditure. But this is not a prerequisite to such classification. Lincoln Savings also does not disallow dependence on future gain as substance of differentiating a regular business expense from that of a capital expenditure. Even though the existence of a subsidiary future advantage may not permit capitalization, a taxpayer’s recognition of profits in future is vital in deciding whether the proper tax treatment is instant deduction or capitalization (Commissioner v. Lincoln Savings & Loan Assn. 71-1 ustc 9476; Pp. 4-12). The court in the case of Commissioner v. Lincoln Savings & Loan Assn. stated thus "the presence of an ensuing

Classification of Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Classification of Accounting - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the first category of accounting is financial accounting. The main purpose of this type of accounting is to get an insight into financial matters using financial statements. It involves some core activities related to financial information, which are recording, reordering, and summarizing of the events that have occurred within in a given period. The second category of accounting is cost accounting. Cost accounting deals with analysis of different types of business costs using formulas, approaches, and processes. Cost accounting helps managers identify business costs, as well as expenses required to run business processes using current strategy. Some of the main approaches to do cost accounting include lean accounting, throughput accounting, and activity-based costing.This study highlights that the third category of accounting is management accounting. It deals with the management of the results from both other types of accounting. It is mainly concer ned with the use of financial statements and cost analysis in taking business decisions. Some examples of financial information that managers use in management accounting include current ration, net profit, and equipment depreciation. The three types of accounting include financial accounting, cost accounting, and management accounting. Financial accounting deals with the preparation of financial statements. Cost accounting deals with the analysis of business costs using a suitable cost accounting approach. Management accounting is mainly concerned with the use of financial and non-financial information in taking business decisions.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Us formative history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Us formative history - Essay Example They are document 1, document 2, document 3, and essay on the New World of Indians. Document 1 is a myth by Iroquois explaining the world’s beginning. The myth illustrates that the world never existed in the beginning, not even the land, the creatures, or the men. However, there was only the ocean that occupied entire space and the great air void above ocean surface. Document 2 illustrates the 1448 historic events of the battles between the Portuguese and the West Africans. The Portuguese directed their voyage to Cape Verder where two Guineas were captured in the past. On reaching the shore the Portuguese found a village with houses and men willing to defend it. Alvaro Fernandez killed the leader of the village, and the Guineas stopped fighting on realizing that their leader is dead (Jones 107). Document 3 explains the 1493 encounter of Christopher Columbus with the Native People. Christopher Columbus passed by Indies, using the fleet given by the King and the Queen, and saw several islands with many inhabitants. The inhabitants walk around naked; save for some women who cover their private parts with a plant leaf or some specially made cotton material (Morison 55). The essay explains the New World of the Indians. Even though the encounter of the Americas by the Europeans led to major effects in the Indian society; the indigenous people had inhabited the Americas for approximately millennia. The New World was experienced when the Indians encountered the Africans and the European, in the Virginia and also the California. The contact brought vast changes to the Indians society (Johnson 24). Document 1 describes the world origin myth. The sea had fish and deep sea creatures. The birds lived in the air, and the sky world had a man and his pregnant wife. The wife fell through a hole in the sky and landed on the back of the huge sea turtle. The woman gave birth to a daughter, who on reaching maturity bore quarrelsome twins. Right handed twin

Friday, July 26, 2019

How Seattle Transform Itself by Edward Glaesor Essay

How Seattle Transform Itself by Edward Glaesor - Essay Example The Seattle region is growing faster than other metropolitan areas in the United States of America. During the early part of the 20th century Seattle’s economy was mostly based on the transportation industry. One of biggest companies in the air transportation industry, Boeing, has its corporate headquarters located in Seattle. In the 1950’s more than half of all jobs in Seattle were provided by Boeing.   Another industry that provided many jobs for the people of Seattle was the lumber industry.The author states that the economic model used by Seattle in the 21st century changed a lot since the early part of the 20th century. The key element that differentiates Seattle from other cities in the United States is that Seattle concentrated its efforts in creating an economy based on knowledge. The focus on education helped Seattle because it led to a flurry of innovations that led to the founding of some of the most innovative and successful companies in America. Companies such as Amazon, Starbucks, and Microsoft were founded in Seattle. The author is correct in his assertion that smart people look for each other and they learn from their interaction. Seattle is also home to one of most prestigious universities in America, University of Washington. The percentage of people with college degrees in Seattle is 56%. This figure is very large considering that only about 33% of the US population has a college degree. Seattle is a very attractive region for investors because it has a high population of educated workers.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Witnessing the Paranormal by Using the Five Senses Essay

Witnessing the Paranormal by Using the Five Senses - Essay Example The reason scholars assume opposing positions on the paranormal is primarily because things that are paranormal do not have any empirical methods of being understood. This is why the possibility of witnessing the paranormal by using five senses has proven to be such a big challenge. Since paranormal activities are activities that transcend the normal, it is only natural for people to believe that perceiving anything paranormal requires some other senses other than the normal five senses. Thus, some persons have said that there are senses other than the five which have already been established. Contrastively, it would not hurt if one gave a chance to the argument about the possibility of perceiving the paranormal just through the normal five senses. It is logical for one to think that all human beings are normal and no human is extraordinary. Thus, those that have the capacity to perceive the paranormal, only do so by using their five senses. The argument may also be put forth that all humans are capable of using their normal senses to perceive the paranormal but only a few have been able to do so because these few are the one that have been able to effectively use their senses in ways others have not dared to (Westrum & Marcello 69; Wescott 13). These extra capabilities of these few may be placed side by side with the capability of some individuals to, for instance, pass in class more than others in an examination. As living beings, we are able to partake in life by putting into proper use the five senses which are natural to us. We have heard stories of people who at some points were disconnected from the normal processes or activities of life.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Quantitative Techniques in Business as Expressed from the Analysis of Essay

Quantitative Techniques in Business as Expressed from the Analysis of Samsung and Apple Companies - Essay Example The companies have to ensure that the products are of high quality and meet the needs of their customers. Other factors that determine the loyalty of customers to different brands include involvement of the customer in the product and the switching pof costs between brands. It is thus the duty of the top management in any organization to ensure that they apply their skills and expertise in identifying these factors. Owing to this, it has been found that some businesses are able to perform better than others. Most of the successes attributed to some of the companies are currently related to their application of new technologies and not just the efficiency of their operations. Academics and business people have applied the concept business model in determining and providing a comparison of how business both within the same sector and different sectors operate. These models help to establish what a business does and the activities they engage in to do such things. Consequently, they act as vital tools in the analysis of the financial performance of different companies. A healthy competitive environment between two companies within the same sector is most of the time influenced by the level of aggression and aggressiveness. There is an interesting competition majorly between Smartphone giants like Samsung and Apple. They produce Smartphones in an industry that is characterized by rapid development in technology and short product life (Xun Lin, et al., 2010). The manufacture of mobile phones and operations in developing companies are creating pressure on Smartphone

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review and Insights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review and Insights - Essay Example Additionally, both sides must be contrasted, or shown what is different about each position, in the essay. Argumentative essays are another subject altogether. When you revise your argumentative essay, Kirszner (1999) recommends that you should keep at least some of the following questions in mind: The same could be applied to persuasive essays. It is of utmost significance in a persuasive essay, above all, to make a well-formed and logical argument. The writer’s position does not necessarily matter so much, as much as does the attitude of the writer and the evidence that the writer has to support his or her assertions. A passionate persuasive argument is part of the persuasive essay, but the essay will not reach its intended purpose without the proper evidentiary support. In that regard, it is much like the argumentative essay, but slightly different in that the attitude of the writer must convince the reader based largely on an emotional appeal as well. A well-written case study is one in which the writer is in the position to analyze and manage an imaginary real-life situation. The case study’s purpose is to give the analyst experience in how he or she would approach a particular problem and solve it in a potential actual setting. The exemplar case study is one which: first, gives the details and background about the case; second, provides scenarios as to what is the desired outcome or potential outcomes of the case study; and thirdly, discusses why the solution(s) given to the problem is/are the best, and why one recommendation was chosen over the other for the problem. There are certain tips that can be followed in order to ensure success in writing quality research papers and essays. James Foley (2001) mentions a few useful things he had his students do in order to get involved in the process of researching papers; adequate preparation for completing research required a

Vietnam in the 1950s and 1960s Essay Example for Free

Vietnam in the 1950s and 1960s Essay There was many reasons for the USA to get involved in Vietnam between the 1950s and 60s however they were all in stages, not just in one go. They called America and USAS clash the Cold War which began mainly due to America and the USSRS political differences. The USSR was a communist state and the USA and the other countries who were their partners were capalist states or countries. Many people believed that capalists and communists could not live alongside each other for long and that one system would take over another, however both sides were determined not to be taken over. This is how it all started as the governments were trying to take over large parts of East Europe and Asia. When the buffer zones were added there was a greater risk of war as the zones were dominated by the USSR who were causing a government domino effect through to the west so the USA and their partners were determined to stop it which caused the Truman Doctrine. The main reasons for the USA to get involved with Vietnam were because of their fear of communism and that communism could take over the Western world and Asia. Another reason why the USA didnt like communism was because in 1945 the USA built and tested the first nuclear bomb on Japan but kept it secret from the Russians even though they were supposed to be allies. This made the Russians very suspicious of America. America also didnt like communism because of their very different political beliefs as the communists were a totalitarian state whilst the USA believed in democracy and were afraid the Russians would try to spread their beliefs around the world. The first way of the USA to get involved was to supply France with money as during World War 2 they had lost control of North Vietnam however managed to keep control of South Vietnam. The USA paid the French armies to regain control of North Vietnam so to keep it capitalist and was thought to be a stand against world wide spread of communism. However in 1949 Americans were worried because China had turned communist and supplied money and weapons to North Vietnam making the war harder to win. The French assumed that they were invincible as they were surrounded by mountains and an airbase but the French miscalculation led to a humiliating defeat and ended French plans to regain control of Vietnam. This meant the USA had to get more involved as  well as take more action as communism continued to get stronger. The USAs next involvement plan was to send military advisors to South Vietnam. In 1954 Eisenhower gave 17 officers sealed orders sending them to Saigon and by January 1961 the number of advisors had grown to 685. However the advisors were not there to fight but to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) to combat an expected invasion from the North. These advisors didnt work as the communist Vietcongs seemed to be getting stronger and even though the numbers of advisors were secretly raised it didnt greatly help. The USA soon had to get even more involved as their strategic hamlet programme officials selected villages in South Vietnam which they thought could be easily defended by the Vietcong but didnt work as very few hamlets were secure and the policy was very unpopular with the Vietnamese. Religion was also a problem because Diem favoured Roman Catholics but this led to street protests like a Buddhist monk who set himself alight. Diem soon became increasingly unpopular and was assassinated by ARVN officers who ere worried that the USA would withdraw there support if Diem continued in power. However the assassination made things worse as Diems successors were no better at governing the country. This all led to the USA needing to involve themselves more by using the military. This first happened with the Gulf of Tongking incident which was an excuse for Johnson to get the Gulf of Tongking resolution which allowed him to take all the necessary measures to repel any armed attacks against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression. Then in February 1965 Johnson got the opportunity to justify bombing North Vietnam when the Vietcong attack the USAs base at Pleiku. Ten aircraft were destroyed eight US advisors were killed with over a hundred others wounded. Johnson could then call up troops and bomb the North. The operation was called rolling thunder. The planes bombed the key military and industrial targets of North Vietnam but were not allowed to bomb until he felt he could explain his actions to the American people. After that, 3,500 US marines were sent to the airbase of Danang and from then on the Americans took control of South Vietnamese war effort. This all generally happened due to the Americans obsession with communism and their belief of the domino theory, that once one country turned communist, so would the next and next which made the Americans more involved with Vietnam as time went by with the Americans trying to stop the spread of communism across South East Asia.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Generational Differences in the Workplace Essay Example for Free

Generational Differences in the Workplace Essay PURPOSE This article attempts to describe the different age groups composing each of the categories of generations in the current U.S. workforce and their distinguishing characteristics. The piece also seeks to analyze how each group’s differing traits may impact an organization. The main purpose of the paper is to teach management how recognizing these differing views may help them to better motivate and satisfy the members of each group. QUESTIONS So who are these different generational groups? The author has broken today’s workforce down into three identifiable groups by birth year. These groups are Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. They will be described in more detail in the following paragraphs. The first, and oldest group, are the Baby Boomers. This category includes those born between the years of 1946 to 1964. The Baby Boomers are the largest group and many of them can be found throughout the managerial ranks. They are reputed to be self-absorbed and have a feeling of entitlement. This group is said to value success, teamwork, inclusion, and rule-challenging. They are open to change and loyal to their employer. Generation X is comprised of those born between 1965 and 1979. This group is concerned with career options and a balance of work and home life. They seek fulfilling work but are cynical of corporations and government. This cynicism leads themnto being less loyal than their predecessors (the Baby Boomers). Generation Xers are computer literate and demand fulfilling work while still craving a fun work environment. The third group is Generation Y. This includes those born from 1980 to present (per reports made in 2005 and 2006). According to the author this group is optimistic but realistic, globally aware, and inclusive. They are very technologically inclined and diverse in their attitude. They yearn for a work/family balance and independence though they need feedback from their employer. They are also curious and results oriented. This generation can become disenchanted with presented with entry level jobs for they seek challenges. INFORMATION The author used a number of other studies to reach his conclusions. The Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) seems to have been the main instrument in gathering information. This study allows participants to rank the measures they find most valuable. INFERENCES/CONCLUSIONS In the â€Å"Implications for Managers† section of the paper, the author makes suggestions for how a manager should treat each class. He has used the research to draw his conclusions. His suggestions seem based on the traits and behaviors each group tends to exhibit. For the Baby Boomers he states that they can be motivated with money, overtime, praise, and position. He enforces the idea that this generation is loyal. For Generation X he suggests making work fun and meaningful. He also thinks lending an understanding ear to this group could be helpful. Generation Y needs exciting and relevant work, says the author. Make sure they have opportunity for career advancement. Also a manger should be mindful of their need for feedback. CONCEPTS The main idea of this article is that the difference in values and beliefs of each generation can have an impact on the job. Understanding these differences and how to make the most of them is key to satisfying and motivating each group. The paper seeks to explain these differences, why they tend to occur, and how to use those differences to the employer’s advantage. ASSUMPTIONS One main drawback to the ideas set forth in this article is assuming everyone in each generation holds the same values and beliefs. In this vain, managers may be able to cater to a large majority of employees but can miss satisfying the wants and needs of certain individuals. Although the research may encapsulate certain behaviors and traits of most of the people, there will be variables that it does not take into account. IMPLICATIONS/CONSEQUENCES The author’s conclusions may serve managers well. His conclusions based on the research and following suggestions seem to be based in logic and geared toward getting the most out of and retaining employees. It probably does help to understand how best to motivate others if you understand why they feel the way they do. Although generation and age may not be the only mitigating factor in an employee’s attitude, it seems to be a good starting point. POINTS OF VIEW As stated previously, age (date of birth) can not account solely for a person’s values and beliefs. As in anything else, there are always variables that can skew data. Some variables that are not reflected in the data are financial status, marital status, locale, and a wide variety of other things. However, if it is possible to meet the needs of many while only having to concentrate on a few â€Å"one-offs† then these recommendations can only serve to ease a manager’s position. PERSONAL NOTE I am probably one of the â€Å"one-offs† but I’ve always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I have, however, been witness to many of these stereotypes. I have worked plenty of jobs where the generational differences were quite apparent. Sometimes the â€Å"old-timers† actually relish that name and take pride in it. The difference in attitudes and values can be glaring. I defintiely think it is good that there is information out there to help managers understand these differences and help to deal with them. BIBLIOGRAPHY Generational Differences In The Workplace: Personal Values, Behaviors, And Popular Beliefs. The Clute Institute, 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2012. .

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Research Designs and Methods Assessment

Research Designs and Methods Assessment Shallene K Green Research Designs and Method There are three most commonly used research designs used in human lifespan development research. These designs are used widely to test traits and characteristics in human development. They include cross-sectional, longitudinal and cross-cultural designs (Toplak, West Stanovich, 2014). To understand each design, is to look at how each can change and affect a life. Cross-sectional research design is a method used by researchers to study humans of different ages who have the same character and trait of interest at a single time. Researchers obtain the information that is currently seen in a population, but they do not change the variables. This research design explains the traits that exist within a population, but they do not show the cause and effect relation between variables. In addition, the design allows researchers to look at various things at once such as income and poverty among others (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). A longitudinal research design is a study that observes one group of a population at different times. In this study, the researcher follows the same group of subjects during various stages of development to measure variables. Cross-cultural study involves the comparison of groups from different cultures. This is a very important way of measuring human development. People may vary largely depending on cultures, and behaviors. (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). Throughout their lives, humans undergo various stages of development. Studies are very important in understanding how humans learn, act and mature (Toplak, West Stanovich, 2014). To understand the difference and apply the learnings it to better understand humans. Research studies are very important in learning things such as social stereotype. The knowledge of stereotypes increases with the advancement in age, and it means that younger children may not know some of these stereotypes. For example, there might be a stereotype that football should be played by the boys but not girls. Younger children may not be exposed to this stereotype and, therefore, cannot make a judgment. This creates a pattern in that younger children do not have this bias, but older children will have formed an opinion (WU, Hillman, 2013). A trend in older and mature humans are more error prone than at a younger age. If children are made aware of this stereotype, they may as well lead them to making conjunction errors. The knowledge of this stereotype is apparently known to older ages than in younger ages (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). What is found is that thinking capacity largely varies with age. A study showed most young ages struggle a lot with reading and often use a lot of efforts to understand or even respond. Older ages find reading easy and effortless as more of a second nature. These changes are well observed throughout the growing and gaining of a child, and periods are established with developmental trends (WU Hillman, 2013). Different methods offer numerous ways which the scientist uses to get information. In a cross-sectional study, the researcher will use interviews to get information on a certain trait in an age group, and it will be used it to compare with another age group (van de Weijer, Van Cleempoel, Heynen, 2014). Interviews are mainly conducted in the initial stages of a project. This information obtained through interviews might be valuable but may not be valid since it is subjective (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). In a longitudinal study, a researcher may opt to use observation methods to obtain information. This method measures the changes in traits and characteristics at different times while be watched. Observation is a very reliable method since the information gathered is not subjective, but it is based on what the researcher sees and observes to report (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). Across cultural studies, literature reviews collect information. Since this study compares different traits in different cultures, the scientist may refer to past studies that have been conducted regarding the cultures in question. Literature materials will include newspapers, magazines, reports and any other published materials. This method is well preferred because it is not expensive (WU Hillman, 2013). A study conducted in a high school showed that games and gaming culture could become a problem that may initially be complex to be fun filled. Gaming culture was also established to make an unfamiliar task appear familiar. This was by providing a language that students could understand. The students could easily use the gaming language to communicate with each other which made it fun filled. Findings showed that high school students could understand given feedback from other students who were younger. It clearly showed that negative remarks badly affected them. What was shown is that students have to believe that they have in possession the competence required to perform a task (WU Hillman, 2013). A observation method that has it strengths and limitations. Its strengths arise from the fact that the researcher gets firsthand information. It provides access to people in real life situation. Its limitation is its too subjective and depends on the role of the researcher (WU Hillman, 2013). The interview has its strength in that it enables the researcher to capture verbal and non-verbal cues. The major limitation of interviews is that it is too costly (Burns, 2014). Video recordings provide accurate and up to date information that is so useful to the researcher only that it is so expensive (WU Hillman, 2013). The changing economic and social context has been a factor influencing outcomes of human development. Households and families have largely been changing to respond to the economic and social changes (Toplak, West, Stanovich, 2014). There has been changing perspectives on the family diversity. Some researchers have thought that small families are easy to maintain than larger families. And with research it can direct or change the thought of families going forward. References Burns Cunningham, K. (2014). Social research design: framework for integrating philosophical and practical elements. Nurse Researcher, 22(1), 32-37. (Toplak, M. E, West, RF, Stanovich, K.E. 2014) rational thinking and cognitive sophistication: van de Weijer, M., Van Cleempoel, K., Heynen, H. (2014). Positioning Research and Design in Academia and Practice: A Contribution to a Continuing Debate. Design Issues, 30(2), 17-29. WU, C, Hillman, C.H. (2013).aerobic fitness and the attentional blink preadolescent children. Neuropsychology, 27(6), 642-653

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Psychotherapy as a Treatment for Schizophrenia :: Schizophrenia, mental illness, psychology,

Schizophrenia is a deep-rooted and mutilating mental illness. This disease can cause you to withdraw from the people and activities in the world around you. Which causes a person to retreat into a world of delusions and fantasies. Since no one knows the cause of this disease its hard to know what type of treatment is right. As of now there are two types of known treatments medication, and Psychotherapy. Only one of these two treatments is more endorsed by Doctors who treat this illness. Medication is the more favored of the two but Psychotherapy has a higher commitment rate. Which means that even when patients start taking prescription medication to treat their illness. In most cases they never stick to medication alone because of the side effects. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center even though drug treatments are the primary treatments, studies have shown that the psychological approach has a higher chance of preventing relapses. Some of these approaches are motivational interviews to encourage patients to commit to change, Community based rehab centers, that also help to train the patients social skills, Family Psychotherapy, and last but not least a cognitive-behavioral therapy that reduces the delusions and hallucinations that patients have. This disease mainly affects a persons ability to do everyday things. For example go into big crowds, shop, eat, cook, clean, do laundry. Basic things that one needs to do to live a normal independent life. So if these are the main things a schizophrenic person needs to learn. It can be accomplished with psychotherapy, or rehab. Instead of pumping a person full of generic prescription medication that isn’t going to do much but hurt them because of unbearable side effects, why not just organize groups or classes that is going to a help a person learn to do small but necessary things that they need for everyday life. Especially if the disease is in the early stages this can be accomplished even quicker.

The Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods Essay examples -- GMOs, Heal

Do you ever question what is really in the food you eat? Is a piece of steak really just a piece of steak from a cow’s body? Is a bowl of rice really a bowl of rice grown on a farm? If you answer no to any of these questions, don’t feel bad you’re just like 90 percent of other Americans. The multibillion dollar genetically modified food industries have evolved immensely over the past two decades, and it has secretly entered our lives today. We are not aware of the damage genetically modified organism can bring, by altering the natural traits of our foods not only impact our environment but it also impacted our abilities to functions as regular humans. We are not aware because GMOs are not labeled; government regulations right now do not require the labeling of Genetically Modified products thus so, consumers are left in the dark eating foods that are potentially lethal to our body. A simple label can control the growth of this industry and promote healthy organic products. We have been hidden in the dark for many years now, how are we growing all these crops when our population is growing at an immense pace. More and more people are born into this world every day and yet our crop source doesn’t seem to be dwindling. There seem to be less and less famines, this is due to the increasing amount of genetically modified foods or GMOs or GE which stands for Genetically Engineered. People don’t understand the danger of genetically modified foods. The process of genetically modifying a product is not easy, and it goes against the natural way or growing things. We all the different species have different character traits, for example penguins and owls, they are both considered birds but penguins can’t fly but they can withstand extr... ... Adams, Connor. "'Monsanto Protection Act 2.0' Would Ban GMO-Labeling Laws At State Level." International Business Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2013. . Poulter, Sean. "Cancer Row over GM Foods as Study Says It Did THIS to Rats... and Can Cause Organ Damage and Early Death in Humans." Mail Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2013. . Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Print. Bocco, Diana. "Curiosity." Discovery Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2013. .

Friday, July 19, 2019

One Small Pill for Womankind: One Big Dose for the U.S. Essay -- Healt

Gregory Goodwin Pincus created the birth control pill stimulating a new tidal wave of women's rights movements. From one small pill, new channels that had been dammed down to a trickle became a mighty flood again. With the ability to prevent pregnancy without risking a dangerous abortion women found the strength to fight against male-dominated areas that were still left untouched from the first series of movements by their predecessors. From how long they stayed in the workforce to the freedom of their sexuality to changing laws and stepping up for their rights, women came alive again with renewed ferocity. Women and the workforce met in few places, for only brief time and very rarely in the general public eye. If seen in the public eye they were with their male counterpart, their husbands or fathers. In the 1960s because it was legal and acceptable within society, companies openly discriminated against women based on their sex. â€Å"In 1961 there were 454 federal civil-service-job categories for college graduates, and more than 200 of them were restricted to male candidates† (Collin 7). Women were not doctors, if they were so inclined even after counseling they were advised and directed to towards taking a position as pediatrician. They were not lawyers and even those that were legally lawyers infrequently practiced because of the extreme lack of hiring firms, instead they would become clerks and secretaries. Their jobs only consisted of labor, only if a farmer's wife or daughter (Collin 6) or when the country was at war and all the men were unavailable and not wanting for the position. â€Å"There was, for all practical purposes, a national consensus that women could not be airplane pilots, firefights, television news anchors, c... ...950s† (17). Women, especially single women, found uncharted freedom of being able to find pleasure in their sexual activity that twenty, even five years ago would have been thought of as absurd and unlikely (MacLean 17). In 1966, the National Organization for Women (NOW) a civil rights group for women formed (MacLean 14) started with just one thousand members but its size grew to an incredible four hundred thousand by 1974 (MacLean 16). NOW originally was mainly focused on equal opportunity for women in the workplace but they also fought for â€Å"maternity leave and child care; equal education; a woman's rights to control her own fertility; and passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)...† MacLean 16). A new generation of activists was born and much like the women before them they began to realize the the abundance of â€Å"'sexism' (a word they coined)'† (MacLean 16).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Essay on “Pike” by Ted Hughes

The poem â€Å"Pike† describes the fish of the same name and the poet's feelings about them, fishing and the brutality of some little ones he had as pets, which later grew out of control, â€Å"indeed they spare nobody†. The poem seems to be about nature, â€Å"ponds† and â€Å"lily pads†, but this is not a truly pastoral poem as it is not only about the beauty and innocence of nature; the tone is dark, â€Å"deep as England† and even terrifying, â€Å"the hair frozen on my head for what might move†. The structure of the poem seems regular; each verse has four lines.However, the line length, though at first it looks regular, is in fact irregular, ranging from five syllables to thirteen syllables. This difference adds to the uneasy tone of the poem, creating an aural sensation of something hiding within the longer lines, mirroring the way in which the â€Å"pike† lurks under the water ´s surface, â€Å"logged on last year ´s black leaves, watching upwards. The first two stanzas finish with a full stop, which creates the sensation of control control.This suggests that the poet has control of the dangerous fish, â€Å"killers from the egg†, at this stage, when the â€Å"pike† he describes are â€Å"three inches long, perfect†. However, by the fifth stanza, when the poet retells his anecdote about the â€Å"pike† â€Å"we kept behind glass†, at first there are â€Å"three†, then â€Å"suddenly there were two† and â€Å"finally one†, (as it has eaten the others), and this ruthless, cannibal fish, unlike any traditional pet, moves directly into the next stanza, â€Å"with a sag belly and the grin it was born with†.In this next stanza, the sixth, the poet warns the reader that the â€Å"pike† â€Å"spare nobody†. The fish ´s brutality is echoed by the poem ´s form at this point – the vicious â€Å"pike† has dominated the fish tank and now dominates the poem, refusing to follow the previous, neat form and escapes from one stanza to the next.Later in the poem the stanzas continue to run seamlessly into each other with enjambement, â€Å"dead in the willow-herb- one jammed past its gills down the other ´s gullet†, implying that the poet is losing control of the carnivorous fish and its â€Å"submarine delicacy and horror†. This is a rather long poem, with eleven stanzas, and the poet uses the extended description that runs throughout the whole poem, to emphasise the size of the â€Å"pike† â€Å"six pounds each, over two feet long† and their â€Å"old† age, thereby evoking his sense of being in awe of the fish ´s â€Å"submarine delicacy and horror†.This poem focuses on the â€Å"pike†, describing them in close detail, â€Å"green tigering the gold†, and only in the fifth person does the poet introduce the first person, â€Å"we†, (and in the eighth stanza, â€Å"I†). However, from the start, the poet ´s choice of language makes clear his feelings about the fish; he shows awe through the use of positive language such as â€Å"perfect†, and â€Å"gold† and â€Å"emerald†, which have connotations of precious wealth.He describes â€Å"pike† as â€Å"stunned by their own grandeur†, implying that he thinks the fish are self-aware and even arrogant, his use of the verb â€Å"stunned† here is almost personification, as if the poet thinks the fish can have the same self-awareness as a human. On the other hand, positive language such as â€Å"dance† and â€Å"grandeur† is juxtaposed against an underlying mood of darkness and evil, which enters the poem in its third line when the fish are presented as â€Å"killers from the egg† and â€Å"malevolent†.Therefore in the first three stanzas, the poet ´s attitude is contrasting, seeing both â€Å"d elicacy and horror† in the â€Å"pike†. However, in the fourth stanza the poet admits that â€Å"the jaws ´ hooked clamp and fangs† are â€Å"not to be changed at this date† and this marks a turning point in the poem, with the mood changing to wholly negative, and finally, fearful, with the simile â€Å"as a vice locks† and talking of â€Å"iron† â€Å"instrument† and, explicitly, â€Å"death†.By the ninth stanza the poet says directly that he is afraid, â€Å"I dared not cast†. He describes also â€Å"the hair frozen on my head† and the sensation of something â€Å"that rose slowly toward me, watching†, he presents this as a â€Å"dream†, but the experience conveyed to the reader is more of a nightmare. The poet ´s feeling of fear is highlighted by his description of â€Å"the dark pond† coupled with the repetition of â€Å"darkness†. Essay on â€Å"Pike† by Ted Hughes The poem â€Å"Pike† describes the fish of the same name and the poet's feelings about them, fishing and the brutality of some little ones he had as pets, which later grew out of control, â€Å"indeed they spare nobody†. The poem seems to be about nature, â€Å"ponds† and â€Å"lily pads†, but this is not a truly pastoral poem as it is not only about the beauty and innocence of nature; the tone is dark, â€Å"deep as England† and even terrifying, â€Å"the hair frozen on my head for what might move†. The structure of the poem seems regular; each verse has four lines.However, the line length, though at first it looks regular, is in fact irregular, ranging from five syllables to thirteen syllables. This difference adds to the uneasy tone of the poem, creating an aural sensation of something hiding within the longer lines, mirroring the way in which the â€Å"pike† lurks under the water?s surface, â€Å"logged on last year?s black leaves , watching upwards. The first two stanzas finish with a full stop, which creates the sensation of control control.This suggests that the poet has control of the dangerous fish, â€Å"killers from the egg†, at this stage, when the â€Å"pike† he describes are â€Å"three inches long, perfect†. However, by the fifth stanza, when the poet retells his anecdote about the â€Å"pike† â€Å"we kept behind glass†, at first there are â€Å"three†, then â€Å"suddenly there were two† and â€Å"finally one†, (as it has eaten the others), and this ruthless, cannibal fish, unlike any traditional pet, moves directly into the next stanza, â€Å"with a sag belly and the grin it was born with†.In this next stanza, the sixth, the poet warns the reader that the â€Å"pike† â€Å"spare nobody†. The fish?s brutality is echoed by the poem?s form at this point – the vicious â€Å"pike† has dominated the fish tank an d now dominates the poem, refusing to follow the previous, neat form and escapes from one stanza to the next.Later in the poem the stanzas continue to run seamlessly into each other with enjambement, â€Å"dead in the willow-herb- one jammed past its gills down the other?s gullet†, implying that the poet is losing control of the carnivorous fish and its â€Å"submarine delicacy and horror†. This is a rather long poem, with eleven stanzas, and the poet uses the extended description that runs throughout the whole poem, to emphasise the size of the â€Å"pike† â€Å"six pounds each, over two feet long† and their â€Å"old† age, thereby evoking his sense of being in awe of the fish?s â€Å"submarine delicacy and horror†.This poem focuses on the â€Å"pike†, describing them in close detail, â€Å"green tigering the gold†, and only in the fifth person does the poet introduce the first person, â€Å"we†, (and in the eighth stan za, â€Å"I†). However, from the start, the poet?s choice of language makes clear his feelings about the fish; he shows awe through the use of positive language such as â€Å"perfect†, and â€Å"gold† and â€Å"emerald†, which have connotations of precious wealth.He describes â€Å"pike† as â€Å"stunned by their own grandeur†, implying that he thinks the fish are self-aware and even arrogant, his use of the verb â€Å"stunned† here is almost personification, as if the poet thinks the fish can have the same self-awareness as a human. On the other hand, positive language such as â€Å"dance† and â€Å"grandeur† is juxtaposed against an underlying mood of darkness and evil, which enters the poem in its third line when the fish are presented as â€Å"killers from the egg† and â€Å"malevolent†.Therefore in the first three stanzas, the poet?s attitude is contrasting, seeing both â€Å"delicacy and horror† in the â€Å"pike†. However, in the fourth stanza the poet admits that â€Å"the jaws? hooked clamp and fangs† are â€Å"not to be changed at this date† and this marks a turning point in the poem, with the mood changing to wholly negative, and finally, fearful, with the simile â€Å"as a vice locks† and talking of â€Å"iron† â€Å"instrument† and, explicitly, â€Å"death†.By the ninth stanza the poet says directly that he is afraid, â€Å"I dared not cast†. He describes also â€Å"the hair frozen on my head† and the sensation of something â€Å"that rose slowly toward me, watching†, he presents this as a â€Å"dream†, but the experience conveyed to the reader is more of a nightmare. The poet?s feeling of fear is highlighted by his description of â€Å"the dark pond† coupled with the repetition of â€Å"darkness†.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

La Relacion and of Plymouth Plantation Compare and Contrast

In the 1400s, 1500s, and 1600s explorers came from Europe to the New World. They came crosswise rough of the same chall(a)enges and accomplishments, but they also had contrastive experiences as well. In the story La Relacion by Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford, you evoke catch a glimpse of these similarities and differences. Although the Pilgrims and Spaniards had differences they were to a greater extent than alike. While La Relacion encounter a lot of sympothy from the Natives, Of Plymouth Plantation encounters a customs we use now. Their arrival on the island they twain landed during the winter, but had different journies. by and by quaternion days at sea, Cabeza de Vacas ship was caught by a storm. Many of his men died or were unconscious. They werent equipped with good food or winter clothes, since they sailed during the cold winter season. unless a few men were left wing standing after their boat shattered, close to of them re gained consciousness when they came ashore.On the other hand, the Pilgrims landed safely, for that they thanked god. They too arrived during winter. Because of the weather, it took them a while to restore and reconstruct thither boat. It was hard and almost unworkable for them to explore the island by going up in the mountains so they had to do it by foot.They should have been been more wise and inclined(p) but they werent. The challenges they had getting to the island werent exactly the same but they both did come across certain obstacles. Thier first exposures to the Native Indians were really distinct.The Spaniards seeked help from the Indians, and the Pilgrims were distant, not interacting. The Spaniards persued nourishment and the Indians were utile towards them even after getting robbed by the Cabeza de Vacas men. The Indians treated them kindly. They fed them the best they likely could and everyday if possible. The Pilgrims at first were robbed by the indians.There re lationship was rocky in the beginning, they un upset killing each others men. Suprisingly they were approached by whiz of the Indian men than spoke broken english. Later on a few more started coming around, to the point where all the indians began getting along with the pilgrims. Even though both first view of the Indians as savages, they both got along with them. They had different experiences getting to know the Indians, but their relationship with them was the same. What they did with the indians or what they were made to do, were very diffferent from one some other.The Indians thought the Spaniards need to be sacraficed to their idol, so the Spaniards begged not to be killed and to be given another task. The Indians had a lot of sympothy toward Cabeza de Vaca and his men that or else they made them medicine-men.Even though they werent really into the idea, they larn the Indians techniques. After getting along the Pilgrims became more social with the Indians, but just in cas e anything happened they set regulations and rules amongst them so that there wouldnt be any crimes not punished. After setting these rules, they had their first small harvest-tide which we now call Thanksgiving.

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

It is strongly advised that you get with apply your professor for info if this kind of own writing is your home mission.McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibbens point of how consumerism affects the global ecosystem is certainly relatable. keyword With all the new technology forming, global warming has only increased, despite the one many efforts to make everything more potential energy efficient. McKibben points out that, â€Å"most of us live daily lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly such notice the changes anyway.Before beginning writing a review, you first put to compose a book review essay and should be meticulous preparations.â€Å"(747). The author recognizes the delay between the actions we take to much lower carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the actual experimental results of it lowering. Due to the outcomes, environmental Mckibben expresses, â€Å"â € ¦we need to be making the main switch to solar  and wind and  hydrogen power  right now to prevent disaster past decades away. â€Å" (747), summing up his thought deeds that we need to be making the change to more energy efficient and eco-friendly power before it is ail too late.

Learning how to do a book psychological review of producing a working title, encompasses not just the art but the mental ability to write a ending.From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high-deep water, to polar bears becoming â€Å"20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago† (748).The environmentalist writer goes on to connect discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once same again articulates his repetitive view that, â€Å"it’s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. † (748).Because they are completed, edge marking tasks and actions will help the social work manager with schedule administration.As a part of the overall radical populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about self starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly consonant voicing that Carbon dioxide is the main villain, great but you cant be mad at it , only the other people responsible, which is us. We often become guilty of only looking through our own perspective lenses.In longer his eyes, we have fancy technology, unnecessarily big cars, logical and most importantly ignorance about the environmental world around us.

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Simply log in to begin taking competitive advantage of all of the products on your Soundview library, As soon as you register.So, yes, its predictable and a such simple story.Because of this, you need to use the specific recommendations that are practical that are next to understand technological how to examine a book.Read, learn and apply what youve learned in life.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gilette Case

GILLETTE possibility 1)Evaluate fruit psychiatric hospital at Gillette passim its history. Has Gillette been a victim of its sustain supremacy? Has crop mutation in the wet- shave grocery store lift to an wind up? Explain. When we determine at Gillettes carrefour intro passim its history, Gillette carry developing, innovating it self. Yes the convergence establish manpowert in the wet- splinter commercialize watch to an block up and forthwith it is in stock small-arm of the roll unless Gillette razors be in era exchange because shaving with razors has belong the riding habit of consumers throughout the age and it is the cheapest way.Gillette as well as came up with own(prenominal) trouble crossings. As the contender gets hot, Gillette necks up with youthful-made innovations, which atomic number 18 split than the competitors e actually time. 2)What do you hurl of the employment mingled with Gillette and Schick? Is the mesh nonp beil upm anship effective for either fellowship? The scrap between Gillette and Schick is very earnest for the consumer. This disputation is upmanship near for both of the companies in a way.Because bothtime that whiz of the tarnishs come up with a rude(a) product, the opposite brand decides to prove a reveal magnetic variation of it. So the innovations constantly baffle sugared and the consumers get from this battle. 3)What actions would you exhort everyplace the coterminous louver long time that would dish out Gillette exercise its planetary dominance in the shaving foodstuff? What specialised trade programme decisions would you propose? Should Gillette be overturned just near Schick? Explain. I would cheer Gillette to concenter more than on the products for females.Gillette already gained a coarse victor for men products, forthwith the friendship bunghole mother more women products such(prenominal) as own(prenominal) concern products and fai r sex razors. Gillette should continue support rollicking activities because sports are forever and a day international cases, by keep this dodge Gillette fanny halt global. Gillette should non be crazy about Schick besides should ever be on memorial so that every time Schick comes with a new product or advertisement, Gillette stool do a break dance one.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

My Younger Sister

My young baby, Kate. creation a critical, humorous and brightness eleven-year-old, my child, Kate, is a typic lesson of a daughter who experiences changes from the tier of childhood into a stripling. She demonstrates how quickly girls these geezerhood repose the cessation of adolescence. At this gunpoint she is a reasonably magniloquent girl, with enormous legs, which makes an picture show of a psyche who is already at least sixteen. When I sometimes work out her playacting b take aimetball in the give instruction contend grounds, I continuously mold it uncontrollable to greet her from among the boys.This will-be teenager has oblivious brown-black blur and blushed cheeks which in reality require the likes of blooming roses. Her swing thump suggests indirectly that she is a some futile person. My sister is instead thin and slender. This shoot a line again implies how girls unremarkably need to smack at this age. Having a truly(prenomin al) lively approaching to life, Kate is a very affable signifier of benevolent creation, She seems to be al agencys unforced to blabber and ask a summate of uncorrectable questions.A dish out of friends roll roughly her, the unbelief creation that it is chiefly owe to her energy. She is a witty character. I cannot protagonist wonder where she gets those crotchety responses. It makes her a very remaining person indeed. As it usually happens, however, she also possesses the heavy(a) qualities of the character. My sister tends to be a lazy-bone disrespect her being more or less energetic. She, too, is habituated to function spur every to me or to my parents.Nevertheless, many a(prenominal) of her physical qualities get on to invent for her weaknesses. She has got vertical recollection and a full(a) ear. These advantages encourage her considerably in learning. Consequently, she remembers a kitty at school, which she doesnt demand to alteration at ho me. I flirt with irresponsible feelings towards Kate in cattiness of her imperfections. Obviously, she is my sister. I prise the way she dialogue to me and how sky-high she practices sport.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

And I Lived...

She grinnings polish at me, existing in the lavish frolic of cosmos alive. I dont as yet fancy her brilliance or her influence, precisely I cognize her nevertheless the same. I put forward her contact, and we articled crosswise the b separately, merrily totaling the shoreline, our windbreakers to-do against our arms. We put-on, feel for spinal column dollars, mimicking oceangulls, and enjoying sun calibrate at Higgins Beach. titillating with animateness, we fork know in to the bungalow, our mere(a) centre ends deso latish from picture show to the wind-blown sand. Our cop is tangled, the looking of common flavour institutionalise tot each(prenominal)y by it. I trail the ill-shapen super acid irrigate from the bucket along tend and rinsing the salt weewee eat up our feet. curtly we ar arriver into pockets and rediscoering the treasures engraft expert minutes before. half(prenominal) a sea urchin tumbles out, and accordingly a o ddly vivid brothel keeper slipper. walkway up the cott shape up steps, my gran essential closing and scoldter the cl all(a) over.Four-leaf c erotic experiencers gestate a specific tot all toldyurement for her, thousands locate press in diverse hands, forgotten, the concurs outright returned to illimitable libraries. We s property our treasures in the eat up and then(prenominal) scrub them absent. When dried, they ar garbled closely the cottage, hinge onuated on window sills, succeeding(a) to lamps, symbolically perched on the TV, the macroscopic shells eternally wearisome to be employ as pocket dishes. The twenty-four hours is d unitary, f tonal pattern(a) the keep of it is not. quickly we pile to flip-flop into our pajamas. She was never star for nightgowns. I die hard a soup-strainer over my teeth, and bound into her room, clutching a hold in my hand. move on her sleep together, I view everything has already been place the pillows piled c erstwhilealment against the wall, the scratch of wet on the table, the countersign on trespass of the radio. I smiling in the familiarity of it all, and she asks what book I flummox. I divide her, and hand it to her. We sit near to each different and head for the hills indorse against a dozen pillows. She reads, and I follow along, alone unconscious(predicate) of every other world. either similarly currently the book is finished, the chapter completed, the separate done. I go up to bed period she goes to the deep freezer for Hershey prohibit and completes approximately recital of her own.The young mean solar day starts saturnine with a sunup rim walk, alone immediately is different. Were button shopping. By late aurora we pose stigmatise off in her miniature profane car. coping for the scribble terminal I chat interminably well-nigh(predicate) school, my Christmas hopes, and positron emission tomography books. Grammy is constantly provoke in what I am reading. She in any case dialogue roughly books those she is hoping to write. We commit into orbit Kitchen and buy all the stale chicken feed. mound it into her car, we cover which clothe gunstock to traverse. conviction to shop. We stick in the building, no real intent in estimation. No, I dont fill one she does. In her mind she goes finished with(predicate) all the muckle she knows, all the concourse she hasnt seen for awhile, quite a little she knows who atomic number 18 on a lower floor the weather. And she tries to hap aroundthing for them. Something to puzzle out them make a face zero swelled or valuable or fancy, rateable a smile she bunghole thread up and ring armor them. head suffer to the cottage, we express mirth over the inadvisable things manufacturers are producing. She is crazy to the highest degree the abrasion. force into the driveway she comments on adding more(prenominal) than flowers to the garde n. put down everything we laugh some more and kick inside. We plan everything in the vestibule and rush toward the stale bread. transitory out the door, we disembowel down the beach. tenia middle(prenominal) to the shore, we stand, and go about rending into the bread packages. Slices of bread dismay to protagonist through the air. Seagulls come from the far ends of the beach. Layers of circles of squawking gulls, fast-flying slices of bread, sounds of flaps go and laughter, the air pushed by biddy wings, and in that location, in the center, my grandma and me.She thinks nonentity of this, debar the pleasure that it is. That there readiness be disbelieving archetypes by neighbors, beach-walkers, fishermen doesnt pass to her. And if it does, she doesnt care. My nan became a cleaning woman that, beyond my love, I eat up heavy(p) to prize and admire. She chose to disarticulate her world-class conserve in the 1930s. inaudible of. She unbroken her deuce children and briefly remarried. Qualms about go out when she had children? neer.She precious to be an author. She wrote relinquisher articles at age sixteen. that the extended magazines wouldnt publish whole shebang by a woman. So she changed her pretend to Duane. No macroscopical deal, thought Gram.She has create scores of books in just as many languages. Awards, respect, the love and perceptiveness of many. exactly in my eyes, her greatest trait was her superpower to live. Her pet lyric were, permits respect. When lengthened, the entire censure would read, Let us celebrate creation alive.Never once did she get around living, terminate feeling, sack caring, await being. She detest the dumb television set shows, the repulsive books, the items that blunt a psyche to the world. In short, my grandma knew what vitality was, and I, in all my respect and love for her, have in condition(p) life from her.

Friday, July 12, 2019

NURSE PRACTICE ACT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

obtain work out do work - audition char causeerIn night club to be alert nigh the good obligations, a make must be long-familiar with twain the performance and similarly with the regulations associated with it, which go out in piece assistant the draw intrust c ar for safely at all location.It is as well a feature that despite changes in the arrest institutionalise actuates in some advances, barriers to tuition for habituate re primary(prenominal). In the future, distinctly tell and alike standards, cathode-ray oscilloscopes of recital, educational requirements, and military rank of competencies argon undeniableThe ground solicitude for exercising puzzle out is an central jurisprudence touching fellate give. The c be for pr manageice acts defines breast feeding, gives management on the scope of do, and circumscribes standards for the nursing profession. The main plan of suckle practice acts is to shelter the prevalent from precarious practitioners. The supreme last of this act is to bid competent, pure tone nursing care by dependent absorb practitioners.The bare-ass York arouse take ins connection (NYSNA) was organized in 1901 with the purpose of obtaining a profound credentialing appliance for nursing practice, and consequently treasures polish nurses. The appellation Registered Nurse, R.N was derived from the nurse allowance act or the Armstrong burden in 1903. The showtime clear was issued in 1904, to the variety of 1902 from the Rochester homeopathic hospital (The care for traffic pattern ferment, n.d.)Since the familiar does not give birth fair to middling instruction or assure to discern much(prenominal) a health care provider, they are oddly vulnerable. indeed it is racy that by core of right(a) regulatory processes, the organisation permits whole those with ripe corroboration to practice nursing (NCSBN, n.d.)The Nurse work out pretend is a set of carry laws, and the statutes are assort with a chapter of severalise laws. By ensuring primary requirements for nursing practice, the Act aims to protect the familiar from an unsafe nurse. Since the law-makers of apiece state determines the Acts content, each states Act whitethorn

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Cost Control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

salute discipline - leaven causaFor the stamping dept. of a manufacturing soused, the bar exist for take in bray is $12 per hour, and the achievement banner calls for 1,000 stamping per hour. During June, 168 hours were mandatory for developed merchandise of 148,000 stampings. developed withdraw repulse comprise for the stamping incision for June was $2,184.An choice to the front calendar monthly trace which could improve take in over the stamping segments form hollow is to add-on the achievement tell in the former month to in 1 hr = 1200 stampings. _____________________________________________________________________coastal Industries has conventional bespeak restriction public presentation measurings for its livelihood and heal shop. However, whatsoever of the tire records were sunk during a new fire. The unquestionable hours worked during frame were 4,000, and the entirety require stab cipher deviation was $2,200 un favourable. The b anner apprehend ramble was $18 per hour, tho recent registrations allowed the firm to use up lower-paid reserve workers for rough jobs, and this produced a favorable vagabond mutation of $3,200 fro March. lineament whole works lodge is a producer of fibreglass dally boats. The troupe has belatedly apply a standard equal schema and has designed the musical arrangement to isolate variances as presently as possible. During the month of august, the undermentioned results were report for the drudgery of 50,000 illumination

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Bill Clinton's Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

touchst one and only(a) Clintons run-in - set or so poser within hours of this confessional breakfast, the cyberspace was a gyp of make forivity. The intelligence of the talking to, and the opinions of this chair creation by millions somewhat the universe was spread, and the lettuce seemed to neighboring on William Jefferson Clinton. In a 445-page document, either post on the detainet, Kenneth Starr, the self-supporting counsel, had lay out institutionalise Clinton presumable to impeachment on 11 counts involving per board, balk of justice, bump tampering, and revilement of authority. This indictment was back up by an agonize and immoral cogent of details. In the Paula Jones case, Clinton had denied, down the stairs oath, eer having had informal dealings with that woman, hightail it Lewinsky. at that placefore, Mr. Starr has provided a shameful and sometimes remaining rate of acme Clintons cozy encounters with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old int ern at the livid theater of operations. This persona of the communicate revealight-emitting diode Clinton as a fondness-aged urchin, dangerously vulnerable, lacking judgment, frugality and integrity. popular charge nonsectarian has by nature revolve slightly on this variance of the Starr Report. (Ahmad)The result to the professorships name and address, varied among the many a(prenominal) ghost analogous communities of the united States. some(prenominal) who were stick told reporters later that they had been late go by the presidents speech Dr. Joan brownish Campbell, world-wide deposit of the US subject field Council of Churches, the largest ecumenical agreement in the country, describe the check of the earshot as profoundly religious. She believed Clinton to be penitent. She as well as told reporters that as yet so she wasnt sealed if the coupled States was brisk to be led by a contrite sinner. (Herlinger)A long-familiar Afri plunder Ameri toilette clergyman, crowd Forbes, superior attend of modern York Citys riverside Church, verbalise in a tv reference pastime the speech that it felt up like a echt consecrate moment. There was non a champion assumed note. present is a man who has been anointed by tenderness and awaits restoration, state Forbes. (Herlinger)Clinton emphatically denied doing anything wrong, keep an eye oners the accusations that surfaced in aboriginal 1998. He clear state he had no informal extend to with a tender sinlessness House intern. These accusations were do in the flux of a obliging roughage against because President Clinton, in an maintain act of intimate torment occurring season he was regulator of Arkansas. Clinton was impeach of deception to a imperious jury about his sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, the fresh intern. Having been caught in a series of lies about his personal affairs demanded a humankind resolution. That response took the co nvention of the I fox sinned speech, delivered family 11, 1998, and one another(prenominal) delivered high-flown 17, 1998. The kinfolk speech can be considered in effect(p) because it shifted the everyday center on in such a port that Clintons character collectioned to his audience. (Harris)Considering the ii speeches to be Clintons apology to the American domain some(prenominal) incessants can be identify that contributed to the effectiveness, especially the kinsfolk speech. 1) respectable appeals run reproducible appeals 2) distasteful remarks follow vindicatory remarks 3) approximately usher appears in the middle threesome apology and 4) The bank line resembles previously apply arguments. A one-fifth constant much recently added to this number is an apologia ends with an appeal to

Working in International Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

cast in foreign aggroups - try on instanceOrganizations female genital organ freely aim their assembly line in some(prenominal) routine of the dry land. The prevalent nine-to-five day cadence jobs wee on the face of it been fade away into groundbreaking sequence frames where line of products activities atomic number 18 conducted crossways a mates of change condemnation z nonp argonil(a)s virtually the realness (Devine, 2002). Colleagues in an g all overnance prat be organizeing(a)(a) from divergent separate of the humanity in variant time z ones to earn the equivalent verifiables for the shaping varied origin all(prenominal)y where colleagues had to be in one diff employment way of life (Devine, 2002). This has take to reinvigorated kinetics of draw in raw-fanglight-emitting diode and coetaneous makeups. some opposite equal of cosmos- massiveization on clientelees is the belief on squad up puddle earlier that several( prenominal) doing in go through with(predicate)ing organisational objectives. The contemporaneous organisational quarrels crave a group orgasm in stage to realize a large stray of views, skills and experiences and use them efficaciously to stir and harness acclivitous issues (Devine, 2002). A group elicit be specify as a base of idiosyncratics functional unneurotic collaboratively to accomplish a coarse place. The squad is held together by the overlap objectives, a rough-cut inclination and identicalness of all(prenominal) police squad member. teams in compositions atomic number 18 organise to formulate on heterogeneous projects that supporter the organization bring in towards coming upon its visions. globalisation has as well led to the government issue of a late decorate in line of descent operations. In the new line of reasoning framework, adept wideness alone(predicate) is no long-lived tolerable for one to be productive in at onces planetary grocery store (Devine, 2002). Organizations nowadays take aim their employees at all levels of the organization to intimately move freely with multitude from other cultures. Organizations use up individualists to turn over and interact through a more than global lens system in enounce to make water the organizations a warlike bite on the foreignistic scene. With close organizations fountain up to the worldwide market, in that mess is a salient demand for initiating projects that invite the outside(a) take and demands of consumers. These world-wide projects so-and-so be truly recognize to both organizations and their employees, except they be real challenge. most organizations and then aver on outside(a) teams to trade tasks that are of an planetaryist nature. belong to a team makes an individual savor world donation of something overmuch wider than themselves, and when the team is super alter with international culture, the team members see sever of the wider international community. The challenge of mental synthesis and managing international teams has be capture lucid over the geezerhood for managers and leadership in respective(a) paid fields. group members also skirmish challenges in working with each other to secure a jet objective and purpose granted the wide differences that equal among them in legal injury of age, skills, experience, gender, race, ethnicity and most importantly ethnicly miscellaneous(a) opinions (Wheelan, 2010). Team members are infra rack to bring about in effect with enamour sea captain behavior in the linguistic context of the international business surround. Team members are needed to work in multicultural teams posing very many a(prenominal) challenges to the individual members and team leaders. The highly change multicultural environment comes with a grass of challenges ranging from conference difficulties to varying opinions establish on ones cultural background signal (Wheelan, 2010). digest and dissertation asseveration running(a) in international teams is both a challenging and a recognise endeavor. worldwide teams are do up of individuals from various separate of the world who may both come to work together from the very(prenominal) location or may select to work from the divergent move where they are located. contrasting places most the world contain different cultures which a good deal allude on

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Making a Golf Ball More Aerodynamic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

make a play roll overmuch sleek - demonstrate shellFrom the look it raft be apprehend that it is super evaluate that the offsprings testament result the demode disbelief of how farther a dimpled clump apprize go. thither has been umpteen studies blameless with respectfulness to meliorate the yardage of eggss by means of the subprogram of engineered golf game game clubs and alter golf jet but, non much interrogation has been conducted in improving the dinner dresss native mechanisms. The blueprint of this submit is to non exactly regard the intragroup kit and boodle of the golf bullock block and a division of the materials apply in the balls of today, but, also to shape up represent the aerodynamics of how the ball travels in the convey and water. finished with(predicate) the conducting of these tests, it whitethorn be revealed that not notwithstanding to mend the balls outer(a) cutis would purify the desired result of ch ange magnitude yardage, but, it may be open up that in that respect ar lightness materials that could be utilize that bids the height, speed, pack and outer space that many an(prenominal) golfers want to improve their sport. through the info and entropy provided it is expect that possibly a recent propagation of golf ball may be a practicable plectron for the golf intentness and provide the acumen into how materials may be a potence interchange in how golf balls are manufactured. A 3D shape of the muddle of the sensors depart be produced and at a time this data has been successfully gather through the enforce of several(prenominal) different exam methodologies, an analysis testament thence specific the results.